Artful Henna. Exhibition report

Posted on August 12th, 2010 by jsurba.
Categories: exhibitions, Henna Art, Julia Surba, Pyrography Art.

Pyrography & Henna Art by Julia Surba is to see till the 2-nd of September 2010 at Artful Henna exhibition in gallery "ART NOT TERMINAL"  2045 Westlake Avenue Seattle, WA 98121, USA

ArtfulHennaPicFragment  ArtfulHennaPics 

ArtfulHennaPic2 ArtfulHennaPic3    

exhibition pictures are taken by Jeanie Lewis


Shoul Khymat Dancers at the exhibition Artful Henna

Posted on June 21st, 2010 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, exhibitions, Julia Surba, Pyrography Art.

at the 7-th of August 2010 in the gallery "ART NOT TERMINAL" (USA) takes the start the exhibition Artful Henna. In the exhibition take part artists, whose art is influenced by henna painting. 

Artwork of Julia Surba will be also presented there, including the last one, which was specially created for the exhibition –
Shoul Khymat Dancers



Most relevant translation of Shuol Khymat term is Photosynthesis Dance (capturing-solar-energy dance)

Shuol Khymat were usually celebrated in Ancient Kuzhebar twice a year  at spring (Ashuol Khymat) and at autumn (Yshuol Khymat). Ancient Kuzhebar people considered the sun as a source of the great power, which can be used in various ways. Their method of solar energy utilization is very similar to the description of photosynthesis process. We think it s connected with their belief that human and plant worlds are not separated, more than humans are partly plants. It might be said that kuzhebar people had a peculiar knowledge about what we call now photosynthesis and vitamin D fixation.


Exhibition of Kuzhebar Design is running now

Posted on November 25th, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: exhibitions, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, Pyrography Art.

21.11.2009 till 13.12.2009  (11:00 till 18:30)

you are welcome at the exhibition stand of Kuzhebar Design in ethnological museum in Berlin (Lansstr.7) Here you can not only see the pyrography art of Julia Surba but also buy all products of Kuzhebar Design studio

1stDay2 Right1stDay Table  View1


Back from international ethnic music festival “KRUTUSHKA 2009” (Tatarstan)

Posted on September 26th, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: exhibitions, festivals, foto, Julia Surba, Nadishana.

Actually it was a birthday of the festival and we were happy to be there, because it was just great! Very open and friendly atmosphere,

Mordvinki  Krutushka 080

Krutushka 079 Krutushka 085 

interesting program:

Krutushka 149 

Krutushka 152 

Krutushka 088

Krutushka 081

place close to nature

Krutushka 012 Krutushka 002

  Krutushka 246 Krutushka 213

   Krutushka 007  

and joyful, creative collaborations with  friends. We took part at several projects there. Here are some of them:

Our exhibition stand with music instruments and stuff from Kuzhebar Design

 Krutushka 048 x_48616f4c 

 x_e0c204eb Julia Krutushka 076     

henna body art workshop

Krutushka 108 Krutushka 116

solo concert of Nadishana:


x_102d18b8 NadiKaval

participation at the folklore theater show “Nu-Nu” (according to an african tale) by out friends theater “Utshonyi Medved”, Moscow

first rehearsal

Rehearsal3 Krutushka 030

and then the magic show itself
Ginaru Sabunjuma  Spektakl  LastSong 

our performance:

Krutushka 034 Krutushka 042

and a new video recording of the ethno-fusion group Khool Zhingel

Krutushka 294

By the way Khool Zhingel (Alexander Batrakov & Dina Bashkirova) were the orginizers of the festival, big thank to them for this great event and all the best for the next Krutushka!




Festival report. Folkest 2009, Spilimbergo (Italy)

Posted on August 1st, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: exhibitions, festivals, foto, music instruments.


Very nice festival with old tradition, which is focused mostly on folk music from Italy with participation of folk and ethno-fusion music bands from over the world.

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 179 Festy_KuaamuGlaz 198

The festival goes a whole month long and travels trhough different cities of Italy. The finish concerts of the festival takes place in Spilimbergo, an old small  sunny town (not far from Venice) with friendly and open people around.

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 166  Festy_KuaamuGlaz 188

The life in Spilimbergo is really very relaxed. The town is dead between 12:00 and 17:00,  the hottest time of a day:)

  Festy_KuaamuGlaz 189 

But in the evening all festival areas were full. There were 3 stages with rich program during the festival and near each about 500-800 listeners. Also by the concert of Nadishana, who finished the festival program.

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 197

The concert was really successful and people react very enthusiastic during it.

We also presented our music instruments and art object during the festival.

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 185  Festy_KuaamuGlaz 195

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 184   

It is strange but presenting of music instruments is not typical for Folkest. We had only one neighbour stand with classical harps from Italy.

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 192

There were many people who saw such kind of instrument as a jew harp for the first time. But some already knew this instrument because in Sicily exists a similar one called “scacciapensieri” (what means in Italian: “it drives thoughts away”) I saw how people liked our futujara and were very thankful for its presentation. Kuaamu also found theirs fans in Italy.

We enjoyed our stay in Spilimbergo, a city with a special south flavor. And we are really thankful to Andrea, Alessandro, Odette and other festival stuff for help and support during the festival.


Festival report. Airvault 2009

Posted on July 31st, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: exhibitions, festivals, foto, music instruments.

Le Rêve de l’Aborigène ’09

Absolutely great festival!

At the beginning there were only two persons who brought and developed the idea of the festival: Sylvestre& Fred.

On the pic below Nadishana (left) and Silvestre (right)

This year the festival happens for the 8th time and as usual brings together many musicians and alternative people from all over the world. This time there were over 4.000 people who enjoyed their beeing together from till of July in a beautiful place in the nature  near the city Airvault in France.

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 120 Festy_KuaamuGlaz 127

Thhe festival is focused on didgeridoo, jew harps and troat thinging.

On the festival area you could  see many groups of people playing together just for fun or testing music instruments on many stands.

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 065

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 030 Festy_KuaamuGlaz 047 

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 022 Festy_KuaamuGlaz 046Festy_KuaamuGlaz 025  Festy_KuaamuGlaz 027

The first part of the day was full of different workshops (on the pic below – jew harp workshop of Nadishana)
Festy_KuaamuGlaz 084

and of open stage performances

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 113 Festy_KuaamuGlaz 118

and in the evening everybody was attracted by the rich and  interesting concert program on the main stage under  powerfull cedar trees.

 Festy_KuaamuGlaz 068 Festy_KuaamuGlaz 122

My personal favorites in the concert program were Dörvön Berkh-group with traditional throat singing (Mongolia), Dubravko Lapaine (Croatia) with his incerdible didg techniques and Nadishana (!). Sorry for no pics, I was filming during concerts:)

The remarkable side of the festival is that it is not only devoted to music but also present and support the alternative style of life. Everything goes in an ecological way.  Alkohol on the festival is absolutely forbidden, what creates a very rare atmosphare of clearness, joy and pure celebration. We enjoyed it a lot!!! I didn t see any dust during all our beeing there (only in the dust bins :)).More than that on the festival you can find only very good organic food, and there is no use of one way dishes, people wash up themselves, doesn t matter if you are an orginizer of the festival or an artist or a visitor.

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 077

Me and Nadishana were very happy to be on the festival with the concert and  stand with music instruments and art objects. Festy_KuaamuGlaz 062 Festy_KuaamuGlaz 053  

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 066 Stand1 

We also thank for good organisation, for the interest to our art and for the great atmosphare during the concert of Nadishana. First time in my life I saw such sensitive and enthusiastic listeners!


I would also like to use the possibility to thank all people who sincere helped us during the festival. Long live Le Rêve de l’Aborigène!   I am sure we ll come back there again. It is really a place to be!

Festy_KuaamuGlaz 160



Exhibition stand of Kuzhebar Design at ethnological museum Berlin, 2008

Posted on December 23rd, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, exhibitions, pyrography.


this time Kuzhebar Design shared the stand with a talented jewelry artist Eliza Gapenne and her art studio ElizArt and presented our tribal jewelries (KUAAMU) as a result of our collaborative project “Kuzhebar Synergies”.

StandnewW StandRightW    Yulka_Eliza StandYulkaW 

Kuaamu_treeW   YulkaStandW


Report about our visit to Pirenostrum 2008

Posted on August 16th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: exhibitions, foto, music instruments.

The old small charming village Boltana placed high in Pyrenees gave kind welcome for music instruments builders, musicians and guests  from different countries. They all came because of Pirenostrum, the festival of music instruments.

  pirenostrum   Pyrenees  CasaCoronel

Here everybody knows each other and the old stoned houses called “casa” always have their own names. For our exhibition stand we got place in the beautiful casa Coronel.
Stand street  

Each day was full of program and a lot of visitors came to see and to try bagpipes from differents parts of Spain, hurdy gurdy, flutes, drums etc. etc. etc…  The old casa Coronel was full with people too. They   were interested in our instruments: jews harps, futuristic fujaras, futujaras

Visitors2 NadiFutujaraTesting 

and bagpipes as also nice small flutes from Mallorca called Xirimjeta made by our friend Junajo: a talented painter, ceramist,  biologist and bagpipe builder in one! With him we were happy to travel and have the stand together.

   JuanjoInstruments Juanjo

during smal breaks Julia was decorating the bagpipe made by Junajo and Nadishana was playing Futuristic Fujara, so no time was lost there:)!

YulkaBagpipe  NadiFujara

During the festival there were two good surprises, which were very special for us. The first was a meeting with an innovator in bagpipe building – Francisco Calvo Regueiro, very nice person. His gaitas can be easily played for about half an hour without hard blowing into the bag!!! Sounds like a dream for a bagpipe player, wright?! And Francisco was very interested in futurustuc fujara. Of course in this situation the exchange of instruments was the best solution for both: Nadishana and Francisco:)

BagpipemakerFujara Bagpipemaker 

The second thing was a meeting with a boy from the village who had seen the concert of Vladiswar Nadishana at the Conspiremus-festival two years ago and was infected by the wish to learn to play jews harp. We remembered him well, because he came after the concert to the stage to see the jews harp from a close distance, and Nadishana was showing him how it works. Now he came especially to get his first jews harp from Nadishana and was very happy after he hold his own one in the hand. We hope to see him next time playing!


Exhibition report, ethnological museum, Berlin 2007

Posted on December 15th, 2007 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, exhibitions, foto, Kuzhebar, pyrography.

Kuzhebar Design studio (Julia Surba) and Sound Microsurgery Department (Vladiswar Nadishana) presented their exhibiton stand with kuzhebarian art and music during Markt der Kontinente in Berlin´s ethnological museum these two December´ weeks. This cultural event brought together people who present or are interested in art and handcrafts from over the world.

We were happy to answer a lot of questions about Ancient Kuzhebar, pyrography, music and variety of other objects we presented this time.  Visitors of the event brought into focus that all the things we presented are made by ourselves what was a kind of unique on this event.