New hat collection from Kuzhebar Design

Posted on June 14th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: design, fashion, foto, Kuzhebar.

New  ethno hat collection from Kuzhebar Design.
Material: cotton and polyacril (symbols)
Price: 29,- Euro

ShapkaSilver1Web ShapkaGold3Web ShapkaSilver2Web ShapkaGold2Web


Design for Futuristic Fujara

Posted on June 13th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: design, foto, music instruments.


The idea of Paul Marshall about making slovak traditional overtone flute called FUJARA out of PVC is not lost. More than that Nadishana  encouraged  Max Brumberg, experienced fujara maker to build one, which became the name Futuristic Fujara. They both put new ideas to the construction, so this new beautiful sounding music instrument which actually combines 3 instruments in one has influenced Kuzhebar Design to develop special designs for it.

The results are here to see. Two Futuristic Fujara designs in brown: opaque and glossy, one in balck and one in bronze.

    FF_Opaque_CloseViewWeb   FujaraBrownWebBig   FujaraBlack2Big  FujaraBronzaWebBig     

To buy Futuristic Fujara and to watch instructinal and demonstration video please go here.

We developed also suitable fujara-bags made from esthetic leather imitate called "nappa", which are very light and easy to clean.

New designs of Futiristic Fujara are coming soon!!!


Shamanic tunable Frame Drum with henna design

Posted on April 10th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, henna painting, Kuzhebar, music instruments, pyrography, video.


Shamanic tunable Frame Drum made from deer skin with henna design in traditional kuzhebarian style.

This drum is made by David Roman Drums and has a revolutionary tuning system, you can tune it with bicycle pump in seconds to any pitch! See video for details.

Henna design made by Kuzhebar Design Studio

This demonstration video made with help of David Kuckhermann

the price is 249 EUR

please ask by email for shipping price.

Other shamanic drums with customer henna design are also availiable!




you can optionally order the beater with pyrodesign:



Magic Kui-Gorozh Eggs

Posted on March 17th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, pyrography.


All over the world exist old legends, tales and rituals connected with eggs. They are known like symbols of life and rebith. Also in a mokshan culture exist an interesting tale connected with an egg.

Mokshan people say that deep in the forest grows an ancient oak with a magic egg inside, the egg of Kui – Gorozh. Kui – Gorozh is a magic creature, a mixture of a snake and an owl, who can realise all wishes of his owner.
To become an owner of Kui – Gorozh one should find the Kui – Gorozh’ egg and brood it up.

Inspired by this tale I created some Kui – Gorozh’ eggs (of course with the help of Kuzhebarian Gods!!!).
Who know’s may be someone of you will be lucky to brood it out?
Do you want to try?



Good news! Our art prints and postcards are available!

Posted on February 15th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, foto, pyrography.

Now you can have your favorite atrtwork of Julia Surba on a postcard or like an art print. Postcards are two side printed and art prints are made on  tibetan hand made kahari-paper* and on cyperus papyrus**

kahari paper* is traditionally made from plant Canabis sativa, which grows high in Himalayan mountains. The paper is hand made and has a beautiful texture. Each piece of paper is unique, and the artprints look like hand painted on it.

Cyperus papyrus** also called Papyrus Sedge or Paper Reed is traditionally made from plant Cyperaceae, which grows in the wetter parts of Africa. Papyrus has a good recognisable texture and looks very impressive. Because of that the artprints looks lifelike on it.

All these stuff and much more is available in our new online shop, called KUZHEBAR STORE. You are welcome!

PostacardKartinaMira2Web  PticaWeb  PcardMaultrommelWebBig


Pyrography design on bulgarian flute

Posted on February 7th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: design, foto, music instruments, pyrography.

Here you can see the traditional bulgarian flute called dvujanka or dvojanka with pyrography design on it, which is newly made by Julia Surba. The flute is made from wood and has two chanters. One chanter is for playing and another one is a dron.

DvujankaBackWeb                DvujankaFrontWeb


Jew’s harps from China and Vietnam for sell

Posted on January 5th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: design, foto, music instruments, pyrography.

Chinese Kou Xiang in beautiful decorated wooden box (design work by Julia Surba “Kuzhebar Design”). Price: 39 EUR ($57)

KouXiangBox1BestBig KouXiangVmesteBestBig





Double Dan Moi (Vietnam) in beautiful decorated wooden box (Artwork by Julia Surba) .Price 24 EUR ($35)

DanMoi2CrossBig DanMoiCrossBig




Mini Dan Moi (Vietnam) in beautiful decorated wooden box (Artwork by Julia Surba). Price: 18 EUR ($26)





instruments for sale: altaian jew’s harps, chinese hu-lu-si and russian kalyuka

Posted on December 21st, 2007 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, music instruments, pyrography.

If you don’t know yet which present you gonna give to your friends for upcoming holydays, this rare exotic music instruments can give you an idea:)

All items available for international order. Please send me message or email for details how to buy it!

Jew’s Harps from Altai “Khomus” in a beautiful boxes decorated by

Kuzhebar Design Studio.  Available in keys of F and F#.

the price of one jew’s harp 49 euros together with pyrographic decorated box. Limited offer!

  l_549fce806ee9b70ca079e58dada1bfe5 Khomuses1 Khomuses2 Khomuses3  l_7a84d7f8fea42bf98a8d1f626aacf3b4 5 Sonntag 021l_936ecefef0706efda6d40e48e9b48825 KhomusSide

Listen here for Khomus


Chinese Hu-Lu-Si in Key of G
Available with one drone. The price is 60 euros
Limited offer!


  Listen for Hu-Lu_Si here



Russian overtone flute Kalyuka

Great sound – check it out!!! Available in different keys. Available from 20 to 30 euros per item.

For more details go here



Listen for Kalyuka here



Exhibition report, ethnological museum, Berlin 2007

Posted on December 15th, 2007 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, exhibitions, foto, Kuzhebar, pyrography.

Kuzhebar Design studio (Julia Surba) and Sound Microsurgery Department (Vladiswar Nadishana) presented their exhibiton stand with kuzhebarian art and music during Markt der Kontinente in Berlin´s ethnological museum these two December´ weeks. This cultural event brought together people who present or are interested in art and handcrafts from over the world.

We were happy to answer a lot of questions about Ancient Kuzhebar, pyrography, music and variety of other objects we presented this time.  Visitors of the event brought into focus that all the things we presented are made by ourselves what was a kind of unique on this event.








Sound Microsurgery Department and Kuzhebar Design on Maultrommel Festival (Leipzig) – Report.

Posted on November 29th, 2007 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, Kuzhebar, music instruments, pyrography, video.

Video: Excerpts from Nadishana’s concert on the festival

We just came back from the 1st International Maultrommel Festival (Jew’s Harp Festival) which took part 23rd-25th Nov in Leipzig, Germany. That was exiting experience, we met a lot of enthusiastic people who loves this little instrument! They came
