New kuaamu pendants

Posted on May 7th, 2010 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, kuaamu-amulets, Nadishana, pyrography, tribal jewelry.


New Ghost Keeper pendants are available on!
Of course only for eatable ghosts!

stylish hand made unisex pendants with adjustable length. Pyrography on wood, polymer clay, natural beads. To buy go here

GhostKeeper2_2 GhostKeeper1Big

 GhostKeeper1BigFragment  GhostKeeper2_2Fragment 

In Ancient Kuzhebar, people didn’t separated ghosts in good and bad ones, but in eatable and not eatable ones. Kuzhebar people believed that when you eat a ghost you create a symbiosis with it. Through this symbiosis the human beeing and the ghost go their evolution ways and support each other.

Moreover, there were special musical rituals for eating ghosts by using a special wind musical instrument called "ghost catcher".Click here to watch a video with similar kind of ghost catcher (reconstructed, developed and played by Nadishana


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