Festival report. Airvault 2009

Posted on July 31st, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: exhibitions, festivals, foto, music instruments.

Le Rêve de l’Aborigène ’09

Absolutely great festival!

At the beginning there were only two persons who brought and developed the idea of the festival: Sylvestre& Fred.

On the pic below Nadishana (left) and Silvestre (right)

This year the festival happens for the 8th time and as usual brings together many musicians and alternative people from all over the world. This time there were over 4.000 people who enjoyed their beeing together from till of July in a beautiful place in the nature  near the city Airvault in France.

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Thhe festival is focused on didgeridoo, jew harps and troat thinging.

On the festival area you could  see many groups of people playing together just for fun or testing music instruments on many stands.

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The first part of the day was full of different workshops (on the pic below – jew harp workshop of Nadishana)
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and of open stage performances

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and in the evening everybody was attracted by the rich and  interesting concert program on the main stage under  powerfull cedar trees.

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My personal favorites in the concert program were Dörvön Berkh-group with traditional throat singing (Mongolia), Dubravko Lapaine (Croatia) with his incerdible didg techniques and Nadishana (!). Sorry for no pics, I was filming during concerts:)

The remarkable side of the festival is that it is not only devoted to music but also present and support the alternative style of life. Everything goes in an ecological way.  Alkohol on the festival is absolutely forbidden, what creates a very rare atmosphare of clearness, joy and pure celebration. We enjoyed it a lot!!! I didn t see any dust during all our beeing there (only in the dust bins :)).More than that on the festival you can find only very good organic food, and there is no use of one way dishes, people wash up themselves, doesn t matter if you are an orginizer of the festival or an artist or a visitor.

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Me and Nadishana were very happy to be on the festival with the concert and  stand with music instruments and art objects. Festy_KuaamuGlaz 062 Festy_KuaamuGlaz 053  

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We also thank for good organisation, for the interest to our art and for the great atmosphare during the concert of Nadishana. First time in my life I saw such sensitive and enthusiastic listeners!


I would also like to use the possibility to thank all people who sincere helped us during the festival. Long live Le Rêve de l’Aborigène!   I am sure we ll come back there again. It is really a place to be!

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