Henna painted drums update

Posted on June 28th, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: design, drums, henna painting, music instruments.


Frame drum, diameter 42 cm



Shaman drum, diameter 42 cm



Website updates!

Posted on April 30th, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: design, foto, henna painting, music instruments, pyrography.

Please check out pyrography (all galleries) and logo section, music instruments, henna design to discover new artwork!

Some of update examples are here, please enjoy!

Shush_sboku copy Ygup copy Shush_whole_Web


Hand1 HennaAvatar copyAuthoriz


fashion section will be updated soon too!


New custom Frame Drum with Pyrography

Posted on April 30th, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: design, drums, foto, music instruments, pyrography.

was made newly for musician Erik Anderson

Drum: David&Roman Drums

Pyrography: Julia Surba

DrumInsideName  DrumSide1Name


Feedback from Erik when he got his drum:

“Hi Julia,

I’m very impressed with your fine art work as well as the drum in general.  What a pleasure to own such a fine instrument. 




New jew’s harp boxes edition

Posted on January 25th, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: design, music instruments, pyrography.


H1Web H2Web  H3Web


Henna art on a frame drum

Posted on January 22nd, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: design, drums, music instruments.

RombDrumFinishWeb RombDrumFragmentWeb RombDrumWeb  

the frame drum is made as usual by David&Roman drums

Henna design is made by Julia Surba


custom Pyro-Framedrum for Franz Höfer

Posted on January 17th, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: drums, music instruments, pyrography.

a new pyro-frame drum is born!

Framedrum by David&Roman Drums

Pyrodesign by Julia Surba


 Pyrodrum_Franz_View4Web   Pyrodrum_FranzReadyWeb


Drums updates

Posted on September 6th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: design, drums, music instruments, pyrography.

Here you can see new models of drums  made by David&Roman Drums with pyrography and henna design of Julia Surba

A frame drum:

  Drum_JeanBest Drum_JeanFront

Fragments of pyrography and henna design:

  Drum_JeanFragment  Drum_Jean_CentralSymbolLogo


and a shamanic drum (deer skin):

ShamDrumWHolderFront  ShamDrumWHolderBack

as usual both drums are high quality tunable drums. The shamanic drum is still for sell only for 230,- Euro.


Report about our visit to Pirenostrum 2008

Posted on August 16th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: exhibitions, foto, music instruments.

The old small charming village Boltana placed high in Pyrenees gave kind welcome for music instruments builders, musicians and guests  from different countries. They all came because of Pirenostrum, the festival of music instruments.

  pirenostrum   Pyrenees  CasaCoronel

Here everybody knows each other and the old stoned houses called “casa” always have their own names. For our exhibition stand we got place in the beautiful casa Coronel.
Stand street  

Each day was full of program and a lot of visitors came to see and to try bagpipes from differents parts of Spain, hurdy gurdy, flutes, drums etc. etc. etc…  The old casa Coronel was full with people too. They   were interested in our instruments: jews harps, futuristic fujaras, futujaras

Visitors2 NadiFutujaraTesting 

and bagpipes as also nice small flutes from Mallorca called Xirimjeta made by our friend Junajo: a talented painter, ceramist,  biologist and bagpipe builder in one! With him we were happy to travel and have the stand together.

   JuanjoInstruments Juanjo

during smal breaks Julia was decorating the bagpipe made by Junajo and Nadishana was playing Futuristic Fujara, so no time was lost there:)!

YulkaBagpipe  NadiFujara

During the festival there were two good surprises, which were very special for us. The first was a meeting with an innovator in bagpipe building – Francisco Calvo Regueiro, very nice person. His gaitas can be easily played for about half an hour without hard blowing into the bag!!! Sounds like a dream for a bagpipe player, wright?! And Francisco was very interested in futurustuc fujara. Of course in this situation the exchange of instruments was the best solution for both: Nadishana and Francisco:)

BagpipemakerFujara Bagpipemaker 

The second thing was a meeting with a boy from the village who had seen the concert of Vladiswar Nadishana at the Conspiremus-festival two years ago and was infected by the wish to learn to play jews harp. We remembered him well, because he came after the concert to the stage to see the jews harp from a close distance, and Nadishana was showing him how it works. Now he came especially to get his first jews harp from Nadishana and was very happy after he hold his own one in the hand. We hope to see him next time playing!


Second edition of pyro-boxes for jews harps is out now

Posted on August 15th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, Kuzhebar, music instruments, pyrography.

HomusBoxCirclewithNameWeb HomusBoxThreewithNameWeb

the boxes depic mainly the figure of one of ancient kuzhebarian dethless creatures named Kuzheshu, what means first fish or fish-mother. This edition is now available


Design for Futuristic Fujara

Posted on June 13th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: design, foto, music instruments.


The idea of Paul Marshall about making slovak traditional overtone flute called FUJARA out of PVC is not lost. More than that Nadishana  encouraged  Max Brumberg, experienced fujara maker to build one, which became the name Futuristic Fujara. They both put new ideas to the construction, so this new beautiful sounding music instrument which actually combines 3 instruments in one has influenced Kuzhebar Design to develop special designs for it.

The results are here to see. Two Futuristic Fujara designs in brown: opaque and glossy, one in balck and one in bronze.

    FF_Opaque_CloseViewWeb   FujaraBrownWebBig   FujaraBlack2Big  FujaraBronzaWebBig     

To buy Futuristic Fujara and to watch instructinal and demonstration video please go here.

We developed also suitable fujara-bags made from esthetic leather imitate called "nappa", which are very light and easy to clean.

New designs of Futiristic Fujara are coming soon!!!