Snake travel didg designed @ Kuzhebar Design

Posted on June 22nd, 2014 by jsurba.
Categories: design, foto, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, pyrography, Pyrography Art, video.

Snake didg designed @ Kuzhebar Design 2014
Snake didgeridoo: Yoram Sivan
Pyrography: Julia Surba
Total length 1,5 m,paulownia trea
you can order our instruments here

DidgDiet1Auth DidgDiet2Auth


to check the sound please go here


Pyrography of Julia Surba on video

Posted on November 11th, 2013 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, Julia Surba, Nadishana, pyrography, Pyrography Art, video.

the instrument which you hear playing in that video is futujara
Music, filming and production: Nadishana


The Birth of Kuzhebar on video

Posted on October 1st, 2013 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, fashion, festivals, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, mythology, Nadishana, performance, video.

"The Birth of Kuzhebar" – performance with shadow theater elements.
The world creation story according to mythology of Ancient Kuzhebar.
Yagdyn Staroi – the God-creator played on his magic flute and with the power of the sound has created  Kuzhebar: Upper World – presented by White Speachless Godness and White Shaman Aolu, Underworld: presented by two spirits called Ghukh and Middle World: presented by two musicians and two sorceresses.


Idea & Costumes: Julia Surba
Art & Stage direction:
Julia Surba & Natalia Shostina (Synthesism Theater Mimikria)
Vladiswar Nadishana "CaeRo", "Pruzhingum" (
Steve Shehan "Cardinal Points"(
Huun-Huur-Tu&Bulgarian Voices "Lonely Bird"
Gevorg Dabagian "Es Giher Lusnak Gisher"
White Shaman Aolu: Marat Kuchukbaev
White Speachless Godness: Anna Smirnova
Ghosts: Leila Mamedova & Elena Volegova
Shukhur-Sorceresses: Natalia Mikhailova, Olga Satchko
Musicians: Vladiswar Nadishana & Philipp Zakharyev
Filming: Irina Pyzhyanova, Andrey Mikhailov, Olga Malceva
Editing: Vladiswar Nadishana, Julia Surba

Live at KAMWA festival
Art Club "Ural" 07.09.2013 Perm, Russia


Video channel of Julia Surba

Posted on February 11th, 2012 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, drums, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, Nadishana, pyrography, Pyrography Art, video.

Video channel of Julia Surba & Kuzhebar Design on youtube is activated! You can enjoy the videos here


Nadishana – Gorelik – Kuckhermann, "Jumping in Cycles", from new DVD!

Posted on May 3rd, 2011 by jsurba.
Categories: music instruments, Nadishana, video. – our DVD "Asymmetric Beauty" available here

Nadishana: futujara, water udu.
Dima Gorelik: ac., guitar.
David Kuckhermann: djembe, brushes

filmed by Julia Surba


Tonbak with Pyrography

Posted on May 8th, 2010 by jsurba.
Categories: drums, music instruments, pyrography, video.


Tonbak with pneumatic tuning system: is made by David&Roman Drums, diameter 28 cm, length 80 cm

Pyrography – Julia Surba

Check out the sound and loock of the tonbak in action, played by David Kuckhermann

Video & editing – Vladiswar Nadishana


Shamanic tunable Frame Drum with henna design

Posted on April 10th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, henna painting, Kuzhebar, music instruments, pyrography, video.


Shamanic tunable Frame Drum made from deer skin with henna design in traditional kuzhebarian style.

This drum is made by David Roman Drums and has a revolutionary tuning system, you can tune it with bicycle pump in seconds to any pitch! See video for details.

Henna design made by Kuzhebar Design Studio

This demonstration video made with help of David Kuckhermann

the price is 249 EUR

please ask by email for shipping price.

Other shamanic drums with customer henna design are also availiable!




you can optionally order the beater with pyrodesign:



Kuzhebar shadow theater piece

Posted on December 4th, 2007 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, drums, Kuzhebar, music instruments, video.

Traditional Kuzhebar Shadow theater piece devoted to a winter solstice performed by Nadishana and Julia Surba at Maultrommel Festival, Leipzig.

A shadow play is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment. The performance involves the projection of light or fire on a white screen, on which performers use figures or puppets to produce shadows. It is popular in various cultures, f.e. in Indonesia, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Turkey, Persia and Greece.
In Ancient Kuzhebar the shadow theatre was usually a part of ritual celebrations such as solstice and moon rituals. Traditionally the shadow play was shown near the fire place inside a big frame drum (Buben, Tungur) and was synchronized with the drummer playing.
Here you can see a shadow theater piece devoted to a winter solstice.
Music : Vladiswar Nadishana
Shadow theater: Julia Surba
The aim of this project is to rebuild and to develope the kuzhebarian tradition of shadow theater.


Sound Microsurgery Department and Kuzhebar Design on Maultrommel Festival (Leipzig) – Report.

Posted on November 29th, 2007 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, Kuzhebar, music instruments, pyrography, video.

Video: Excerpts from Nadishana’s concert on the festival

We just came back from the 1st International Maultrommel Festival (Jew’s Harp Festival) which took part 23rd-25th Nov in Leipzig, Germany. That was exiting experience, we met a lot of enthusiastic people who loves this little instrument! They came



Julia Surba: pyrography on frame drum in action

Posted on April 10th, 2007 by jsurba.
Categories: drums, music instruments, pyrography, video.

Dear friends! I´m happy to present you the result of creative cooperation of
different artists:
– great framedrum makers: David and Roman from David&Roman Percussion
– the amazing percussion palyer: David Kuckhermann
– the unique composer: Vladiswar Nadishana
and the pyrographer: me, Julia Surba

The result of our collaboration is a new tuneable frame drum with pyrography
design on it, which is awaken to its music life by David Kuckhermann. The
pyrography procecc was filmed and edited by Vladiswar Nadishana, who also
composed the song “Cae RO” which is used like a soundtrack to the film.
I think we all enjoyed our collaboration and now want to share this joy with
you. So, don´t waste the time: watch, listen, have fun!