Dragons’ fight on Davul

Posted on October 12th, 2007 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, drums, henna painting, music instruments.

DavulPasteOnBigSm DavulFrontBigSm


You can listen to the sounds of Kuzhebarian dragons’ fight when Jean from the group vermaledeyt.de will play his davul. Kuzhebar Design had decorated for him this beautiful drum made by David&Roman with henna painting.

Dragons were reputed in Ancient Kuzhebar to be very powerful and tricky, who came to play their own plays between people. This picture on davul depicts the fight between two dragons: a flying and a walking one. They are desperately fighting for a magic power. The walking dragon had won and is carring in its hands the symbol of power.


Mystical birds of Ancient Kuzhebar

Posted on September 14th, 2007 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, pyrography.

Kuzhebarian tales say about three mystical birds, who are providers of different power-sorces. For mortals, however, the birds were dangerous and indifferent at the same time. One of them symbolizes darkness, another light and the third one wisdom. Kuzhebarian people believed that each of these birds come to each person one time a life and everybody has to choose with which of them to be connected. People give their emotions, intentions and thoughts like food to the birds and birds provide them a power they have. One gives the power to complain or to be angry, another the power to be joyful and  to laugh, and the third one gives access to wisdom.

I decided to materialize these three birds in a pyrography-trilogy. Here you can see the first of the birds, the darkness bird, also called the “gloom-bird” in kuzhebarian mythology. 
As usually described in kuzhebarian tales it  is shown crying with the symbols of power it gives and takes above and under its head. The symbols on the frame depict the ways the gloom-bird can be connected with people.



Posted on August 3rd, 2007 by jsurba.
Categories: design, drums, exhibitions, henna painting, music instruments.


Kuzhebar Design is experimenting with henna painting about a year now. We are happy to share with you some of new henna works.
There are new frame drums, a jembe and a set of henna paintings on leather in bamboo frames under the title “Unknown Ancestors”, which were shown during art&culture festival “48 Stunden Neukeulln” in Berlin this June.









Pyro-skateboard "Father of the Sky" and pyrography all around the world

Posted on July 13th, 2007 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, pyrography.


The crazy idea to make pyrography on a skateboard is realized. You can read the ancient kuzhebarian tale about the Father of the Sky and his daughter just from the surface of this pyro-skateboard.
This new pyro-object of mine was also featured in the pyrography online magazine “Pyrograffiti” with other interesting news about pyrography from around the world.


Kuzhebar Design and Sound microsurgery Department in ethnological museum Berlin-Dahlem

Posted on February 18th, 2007 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, exhibitions, foto, pyrography.

Our report about the exhibition „Markt der Kontinente“ in ethnological museum Berlin-Dahlem, where you can see what we were doing there.




Henna painting with ancient symbols on frame drums.

Posted on February 18th, 2007 by jsurba.
Categories: design, drums, henna painting.

Here you can see first experiments with henna painting on frame drums made by Julia Surba. She discovered this technique on myspace few months ago and also got the information and the supplies for henna painting here from her “myspace friends”. Special thank to “Henna me” for her great support. Here you can see the result.

