T-Shirts in different colors with Yagdyn image

Posted on May 19th, 2016 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, fashion, Kuzhebar Design.

available in our online store


KUAAMU new models, edition Autumn 2015

Posted on November 7th, 2015 by jsurba.
Categories: ethnic jewellery, fashion, kuaamu-amulets, Kuzhebar Design, mythology, tribal jewelry.

KUAAMU-pendant from our Archaic collection 2015
with cosmogonic image of Perm Animal Style.
polymer clay, moldings element, bamboo bead, India rubber, palm seeds from Amazonia

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KUAAMU-necklace 2015 "Sea Spirit".
Polymer clay, sea shells, silver-plaiting. palm root, paint, metal beads (Ethiopia, traditional), India rubber

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to buy available models go here


KUAAMU models, edition Autumn 2015

Posted on November 6th, 2015 by jsurba.
Categories: fashion, foto, Kuzhebar Design, mythology, pyrography, tribal jewelry.

KUAAMU-necklace 2015 "Trinity".
Pyrography on birch wood, polymer clay, glass and metal beads, natural palm seeds (Amazonia), total length 70 cm


KUAAMU-pendant from our Archaic collection 2015 "Tsherdyn Goddess" with cosmogonic image of Perm Animal Style.
polymer clay, moldings element, India rubber, glass and metal beads, adjustable length


check for available models here


check for available models here


KUAAMU new models

Posted on November 1st, 2015 by jsurba.
Categories: design, ethnic jewellery, fashion, foto, kuaamu-amulets, Kuzhebar Design, tribal jewelry.

KUAAMU-pendant from our Archaic collection 2015
with cosmogonic image of Perm Animal Style.
polymer clay, moldings element, gilding, India rubber, palm seeds from Amazonia

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KUAAMU-necklace from our Archaic collection 2015
with “Magic Deer” image from archaeological excavation in Veliky Novgorod.
polymer clay, embossed element out of copper, colored wood, India rubber


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to buy available models, please go  here


Ghost Keeper Pendants´ edition 2014

Posted on November 28th, 2014 by jsurba.
Categories: design, ethnic jewellery, fashion, foto, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, pyrography, tribal jewelry.

Ghost Keeper Pendant (adjustable length): pyrography on wood, India rubber, tibetan metal beads, natural seeds from Amazonia and Australia, polymer clay. Available here

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"Stolen Voice" characters on KAMWA gala concert

Posted on October 31st, 2014 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, fashion, festivals, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, mythology, Nadishana, performance.

A video from the open air gala concert of the Internatinal festival KAMWA Nadishana-Kuckhermann-Metz Trio is performing "Shukhur" by participation of "Stolen Voice" characters ©Julia Surba presented by Synthesism Theater Mimikria


Photo report from our premiere performance of the "Stolen Voice" in Perm on the KAMWA festival 2014.

Posted on September 12th, 2014 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, concert, design, fashion, festivals, foto, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, mythology, Nadishana, performance, pyrography, tribal jewelry.

pictures by Gutschin, Natalia Shostina, Vitali Koksharov 
from our premiere performance of the "Stolen Voice" in Perm on the KAMWA festival 2014. Great experience and big joy of collaborative work with Nadishana, David Kuckhermann and the art synthesis theater Mimicry

Special thank to Sasha Luki for helping in creation of figures for shadow theater used as an important part of the performance and to our friends who helped us during the intense and colorful festival days.


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Premiere of the performance "Stolen Voice" at the festival KAMWA 2014 (Perm)

Posted on September 4th, 2014 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, drums, fashion, festivals, foto, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, mythology, Nadishana, performance.

Premiere of the performance "Stolen Voice" will take part at the 6th of September at the International Ethnofuturistic festival "KAMWA" in Perm.
This project of Julia Surba presents her passion for synthesis of arts. It includes the freedom of performance, mystery of shadow theater, unique costumes and live music. The choice of the background music is also very interesting. There are traditional tunes from different parts of the world: Kazakhstan, Tibet, Amazonia etc. These tunes help to develop the main charackters of the performance: Lord of Thunder, Sky Sisters and Yysh Aa – a braveheart, who volunteered for help the younger Sky Sister being equipped just with his gumption, purity of his intention and magical sounds of his musical instruments.
The premiere performance will be presented by Synthesism Theater Mimikria starring Nadishana as Yysh Aa and David Kuckhermann as Master of Thunder



Our Performance “Stolen Voice” in production

Posted on August 30th, 2014 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, fashion, foto, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, mythology, performance.

Another one character of the story is Master of Thunder
by Julia Surba & Kuzhebar Design





Our Performance “Stolen Voice” in production

Posted on August 15th, 2014 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, fashion, foto, Julia Surba, kuaamu-amulets, Kuzhebar Design, performance.

Kuzhebarian hero Yysh Aa. For the new performance "Stolen Voice" @Julia Surba & Kuzhebar Design studio

Yysh Aa is a national Kuzhebarian hero, a braveheart, who volunteered for help the younger Sky Sister being equipped just with his gumption, purity of his intention and magical sounds of his musical instruments.YyshAa2Auth YyshAa1Auth