Pullover with ancient kuzhebar symbols

Posted on August 29th, 2010 by jsurba.
Categories: fashion, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design.

from Kuzhebar Design studio


hand made, 100% wool


New tunable frame drum with pyrography

Posted on May 24th, 2010 by jsurba.
Categories: Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, Nadishana, pyrography.

diameter 49,5 cm

Drum: David&Roman Drums

Pyrography: Julia Surba


DrumBest1  DrumBest6

This drum is made for Vladiswar Nadishana and pyrogramms on the frame depict some life activities of its new owner.


Overtone flute with pyrodesign. Sutable not only for playing but for dancing as well!

Posted on April 21st, 2010 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, Nadishana, pyrography, Pyrography Art.



JuAvatar JuFlute

NadiFlute NadiFlute1


Price from 110 EUR (depending on artwork amount). Made by request. Available at our ethnic store now.

Flute decoration consists of fertility symbols and symbols connected with  the ritual of Kuzhebar people called Shuol Khymat.

Shuol Khymat were usually celebrated twice a year – at spring (Ashuol Khymat) and at autumn (Yshuol Khymat). Ancient Kuzhebar people considered the sun as a source of the great power, which can be used in various ways. Their method of solar energy utilization is very similar to the description of photosynthesis process. We think it’s connected with their belief that human and plant worlds are not separated, more than humans are partly plants. It might be said that kuzhebar people had a peculiar knowledge about what we call now photosynthesis and vitamin D fixation.

Most relevant translation of “Shuol Khymat” term is Photosynthesis Dance (capturing-solar-energy dance)

Unfortunately the complete ritual is lost, but we had used some elements of it which are still extant. Normally the ritual had to take place in a very sunny day. It was accompanied by playing on overtone flute and by special movements. Ancient kuzhebar people believed that flute sounds in combination with special dance help to capture the solar energy in a most efficient way.


Pyrography and Dzuddahord

Posted on February 8th, 2010 by jsurba.
Categories: Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, Nadishana, pyrography.

Dzuddahord is an unique experimental hybrid instrument invented by multi-instrumentalist  Vladiswar Nadishana


Dzuddahord combines three different musical instruments in one: mandola, sitar and gusli. 

Dzuddahord4    Dzuddahord1

Where is the connection between the dzuddahord and pyrography? Pyrographic symbols burned by Julia Surba adorn now this unique instrument.


One part of the symbols has to conjure the soundingenieur, the other one is for conjuring the ghosts of non linear distortion.



Frame Drums section update

Posted on January 31st, 2010 by jsurba.
Categories: design, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, pyrography.


New custom tunable frame drums with pyrography design

Drums: David&Roman Drums
Pyrography: Julia Surba (Kuzhebar Design)

RaimundDrum4ArtEthno RaimundDrum2ArtEthno

RaimundDrum1ArtEthno RaimundDrum3ArtEthno

SArestovDrum1 SArestovDrum2     




Kuzhebar Design last news

Posted on December 21st, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: drums, foto, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, pyrography.


Design for different futujara-sets

silver symbols on black  background (opaque)


bronze symbols on brown  background (glossy)


golden symbols on black background (glossy)


custom design (shipibo style) on black background (glossy)
for Esteban Kutzwor


special design for overtone flute set for Andreas Vollenweider

the test of the new overtone flute set by Andreas

Vollenweider 029

new frame drums with pyrography are coming  out.
Here is the first finished frame

Drums by David&Roman Drums

Pyrography by Julia Surba

FrameFinish1 FrameFinish6 FrameFinish5WebSm


Exhibition of Kuzhebar Design is running now

Posted on November 25th, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: exhibitions, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, Pyrography Art.

21.11.2009 till 13.12.2009  (11:00 till 18:30)

you are welcome at the exhibition stand of Kuzhebar Design in ethnological museum in Berlin (Lansstr.7) Here you can not only see the pyrography art of Julia Surba but also buy all products of Kuzhebar Design studio

1stDay2 Right1stDay Table  View1


Logo work update, Kuzhebar Design

Posted on October 24th, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, Kuzhebar Design.

 Logo_YogaAutorisation LogoNicolasDrevoAuthWeb  Logo_NicolasAuthor
