Good news! Our art prints and postcards are available!

Posted on February 15th, 2008 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, foto, pyrography.

Now you can have your favorite atrtwork of Julia Surba on a postcard or like an art print. Postcards are two side printed and art prints are made on  tibetan hand made kahari-paper* and on cyperus papyrus**

kahari paper* is traditionally made from plant Canabis sativa, which grows high in Himalayan mountains. The paper is hand made and has a beautiful texture. Each piece of paper is unique, and the artprints look like hand painted on it.

Cyperus papyrus** also called Papyrus Sedge or Paper Reed is traditionally made from plant Cyperaceae, which grows in the wetter parts of Africa. Papyrus has a good recognisable texture and looks very impressive. Because of that the artprints looks lifelike on it.

All these stuff and much more is available in our new online shop, called KUZHEBAR STORE. You are welcome!

PostacardKartinaMira2Web  PticaWeb  PcardMaultrommelWebBig


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