Big size and original size art-prints on canvas with pyrography-art of Julia Surba (Ancient Kuzhebar

Posted on September 5th, 2009 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, foto, Julia Surba, Pyrography Art.

1. "Urhat"  44,5x66cm (49,- Euro)

One of the three mystical birds of Ancient Kuzhebar. As the ancient kuzhebarian tales say Urhat has four eyes and one of those is a human one. With it the bird can see the world in the way human beeings do. Three other eyes of Urhat are looking into three different worlds: the spirit world, the world of living beeings and the "horhu"-world, the world of different living beeings. Ancient Kuzhebarina tales say that Urhat tought people how to create magic sounds by using special devices, that is why it is always shown playing a flute, a jew..s harp or a ghost catcher.

2. "Gloomy Bird", 59x84cm (64,- Euro)


One of the three mystical birds of Ancient Kuzhebar.Kuzhebarian tales say about three mystical birds, who are providers of different power-sorces. For mortals, however, the birds were dangerous and indifferent at the same time.One of them symbolizes darkness, another light and the third one wisdom.
Kuzhebarian people believed that each of these birds come to each person one time a life and everybody has to choose with which of them to be connected. People give their emotions, intentions and thoughts like food to the birds and birds provide them a power they have. One gives the power to complain or to be angry, another the power to be joyful and to laugh, and the third one gives access to wisdom.

3. "Genealogy of Ancient Kuzhebar", 32x200cm (95,- Euro)


This object depicts the history of genesis and development of genetic lines of Ancient Kuzhebar. Like all other ancient kuzhebarian pyro-writings it is to read from the centre into both directions: up and down.

The central figure is the arch-father and creator of Ancient Kuzhebar – Yagdyn Staroy. According to ancient kuzhebarian tales he has four faces looking to the four winds. Each face was blown by the special wind, his “caboo”* were fluttering in these winds. (* “Caboo” are special unaccountable outgrowths on Yagdynґ faces.)
Yagdyns being exists in a turquoise-blue ambience similar to water. His usual attribute is a big crystal-clear fancifully formed seashell, Yagyn lets it sound with the help of his caboo.

Yagdyn is always accompanied by “Tupata” – mystic creatures, who help by realization of his intention (on the left and on the right side of Yagdyn). Tupatas are everpresent, they are usually shown with two heads looking opposite.
According to kuzhebarian tales they possess the unique capability to transform themselves and their ambience. Ancient KuzhebarÒ‘ aborigines appreciated these capabilities of Tupata. Ancient kuzhebariean hallowed larvae and pupas like heralds of Tupata, because they could change their biological form during their life.

4. "World Picture" 53x83cm (58,- Euro)


This is a picture of the world with higher, middle an underworld on it.
5. "Karma Knot" 53×64,5cm (45,-Euro)

This object depicts a creation process of a music CD of Nadishana "Russian-Tuvinian Karama Knot".

6. Mandala"World Structure" 40,5×40,5cm (19,-Euro)


The solar symbol in the centre depicts the arch-father of Ancient Kuzhebar – Yagdyn. The inner circle build Dethless Creatures, who bring into the world different kinds of beings, which symbols you can see on the external circle.  On the frontal world plane  it is easily  to recognise axles, which present the vision of an always growing and renewing world.

7. "Father of the Sky" 21×81,5cm (39,- Euro)

This object depicts a kuzhebarian tale about Father of the Sky and his daughter.In the center you can see Father of Sky by holding the sky with stars. The pattern on the bottom of the object depicts Father of Sky teaching his daughter to polish stars. He is standing on the half moon with his twisted magic hairs, which fall down like rain.

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Comment on October 26th, 2009.

Have enjoyed your site very much and benefited from the information. Thank You.

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