Overtone flute with pyrography design

Posted on May 5th, 2014 by jsurba.
Categories: design, foto, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, Nadishana, pyrography.

Wooden Overtone flute with Pyrography-Design
length 65 сm
Flute by Max Brumberg
Pyrography by Julia Surba
to order please go to our rare music instruments shop





Pyrography of Julia Surba on video

Posted on November 11th, 2013 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, Julia Surba, Nadishana, pyrography, Pyrography Art, video.

the instrument which you hear playing in that video is futujara
Music, filming and production: Nadishana


The Birth of Kuzhebar on video

Posted on October 1st, 2013 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, fashion, festivals, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, mythology, Nadishana, performance, video.

"The Birth of Kuzhebar" – performance with shadow theater elements.
The world creation story according to mythology of Ancient Kuzhebar.
Yagdyn Staroi – the God-creator played on his magic flute and with the power of the sound has created  Kuzhebar: Upper World – presented by White Speachless Godness and White Shaman Aolu, Underworld: presented by two spirits called Ghukh and Middle World: presented by two musicians and two sorceresses.


Idea & Costumes: Julia Surba
Art & Stage direction:
Julia Surba & Natalia Shostina (Synthesism Theater Mimikria)
Vladiswar Nadishana "CaeRo", "Pruzhingum" (www.nadishana.com)
Steve Shehan "Cardinal Points"(www.steveshehan.com)
Huun-Huur-Tu&Bulgarian Voices "Lonely Bird"
Gevorg Dabagian "Es Giher Lusnak Gisher"
White Shaman Aolu: Marat Kuchukbaev
White Speachless Godness: Anna Smirnova
Ghosts: Leila Mamedova & Elena Volegova
Shukhur-Sorceresses: Natalia Mikhailova, Olga Satchko
Musicians: Vladiswar Nadishana & Philipp Zakharyev
Filming: Irina Pyzhyanova, Andrey Mikhailov, Olga Malceva
Editing: Vladiswar Nadishana, Julia Surba

Live at KAMWA festival
Art Club "Ural" 07.09.2013 Perm, Russia


KAMWA 2013, part two

Posted on September 21st, 2013 by jsurba.
Categories: design, fashion, festivals, foto, Henna Art, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, Nadishana, performance.

photos by V.Koksharov

TogetherParkM3ShamanM Koksharov3
Vika5 Koksharov


our part in festival Krutushka 2013, Tatarstan

Posted on August 31st, 2013 by jsurba.
Categories: exhibitions, festivals, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, Nadishana, performance, Pyrography Art.

In our opinion “Krutushka” is one of the best folk festivals in Russia.  Julia Surba presented there an exposition of her pyrography art and took part in a shadow theater performance by theater “Utshonyi Medved” and in some spontaneous performance actions with “Voronovo Krylo” and “Tyloburdo Birds” .

photos by A.Tarantey, Z. Antonova


Exhibition  UchMed1 UchMed2

 NearStage Konj
Folk Medvedi


from Siberia with love …

Posted on July 16th, 2013 by jsurba.
Categories: concert, festivals, Julia Surba, Nadishana, performance.

a short photo report of our visit to Siberia incl. our performance and concert
photos by I.Mokhov, J.Surba

MohovPic6  MohovPic2 MohovPic0 Sibir2013 150 IMAG0140 Sibir2013 162


Collection photoshoot: Creation of Kuzhebar, Middle World

Posted on March 16th, 2013 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, fashion, foto, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar, Kuzhebar Design, mythology, Nadishana, performance.

Shuhur-Sorceress, Middle World

Shuhur1 Shuhur3

Magicians – Middle World

VladBel1 VladBlack1


Our creative input to Krutushka festival 2012

Posted on August 31st, 2012 by jsurba.
Categories: concert, exhibitions, festivals, foto, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, Nadishana.

Krutushka festival is one of the best ethnic music festivals running in Russian Federation. For the 4th time it took place near Kazan (the capital of Tatarstan) at a nice remote place surrounded by forest and unique blue lakes.
People who are responsible for the music on the festival are very good musicians  (band Khool Zhingel) and this is the reason that the musical program is so interesting and presents wide range as of traditional folk music of former USSR and abroad  as of contemporary ethnic music and world fusion scene.

SalUral  Bab1

Blog2  IMAG0108    Blog4 Bab4Blog1

Kuzhebar Design presented there the exposition of traditional and own head dresses. In the context of the exposition Julia Surba gave a workshop about head dresses in different cultures.

AfishaShapki_Workshop2    Workshop

Nadishana-Gorelik Duo enriched the festival program with beatiful compositions and breathtaking improvisations.


Concert15 Dima1

Our biggest thank to organizers of the festival, to all musicians and   just nice people who were the part of it and created a very nice atmosphere there!


fotos of this report are made by Julia Surba, Tatjana Uskova, Anton Tarantei, Vyacheslav Embaturov, Evgeny Kuzovov


Nadishana-Kuckhermann Duo, concert in Berlin at 4th of March 2012

Posted on February 28th, 2012 by jsurba.
Categories: concert, music instruments, Nadishana.

Diese beide höchst talentierte Musiker spielen in verschiedenen Ecken der Welt von Sibirien bis Sardinien, deswegen hört man sie nicht zu oft live hier in Berlin. Eine seltene Möglichkeit schöne und virtuos gespielte Musik zu erleben.
Highly recommended!

Nadishana-Kuckhermann Duo, concert in Berlin
4th March 2012
Haus Der Sinne
Ystader Str.10
20:30 Uhr
Eintritt 10,-/ 8,- erm.


Video channel of Julia Surba

Posted on February 11th, 2012 by jsurba.
Categories: Ancient Kuzhebar, design, drums, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, Nadishana, pyrography, Pyrography Art, video.

Video channel of Julia Surba & Kuzhebar Design on youtube is activated! You can enjoy the videos here