Our creative input to Krutushka festival 2012

Posted on August 31st, 2012 by jsurba.
Categories: concert, exhibitions, festivals, foto, Julia Surba, Kuzhebar Design, music instruments, Nadishana.

Krutushka festival is one of the best ethnic music festivals running in Russian Federation. For the 4th time it took place near Kazan (the capital of Tatarstan) at a nice remote place surrounded by forest and unique blue lakes.
People who are responsible for the music on the festival are very good musicians  (band Khool Zhingel) and this is the reason that the musical program is so interesting and presents wide range as of traditional folk music of former USSR and abroad  as of contemporary ethnic music and world fusion scene.

SalUral  Bab1

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Kuzhebar Design presented there the exposition of traditional and own head dresses. In the context of the exposition Julia Surba gave a workshop about head dresses in different cultures.

AfishaShapki_Workshop2    Workshop

Nadishana-Gorelik Duo enriched the festival program with beatiful compositions and breathtaking improvisations.


Concert15 Dima1

Our biggest thank to organizers of the festival, to all musicians and   just nice people who were the part of it and created a very nice atmosphere there!


fotos of this report are made by Julia Surba, Tatjana Uskova, Anton Tarantei, Vyacheslav Embaturov, Evgeny Kuzovov


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